What Does Ozone Therapy Do?

oxygene ozone therapy

Learn how Dr. Deana Risos can utilize ozone therapy in dentistry to treat your dental problems.

Ozone therapy is a medical therapy that aims at increasing the amount of oxygen in the body to help destroy pathogens (bacteria and viruses) that cause common dental problems. Oxygen therapy in dentistry works and is completely safe.

What does ozone therapy in dentistry do?

Oxygen/ozone therapy in dentistry works by safely and effectively eliminating or killing bacteria pathogen that causes dental diseases.

When oxygen/ozone is introduced into the cell of a living microorganism it creates a powerful oxidant called “transient oxidative burst”. Because the infective microorganisms (bacteria and viruses) have little or no antioxidant enzymes in their cell membranes, they cannot produce a natural response to this reaction and are therefore destroyed or killed by the ozone.

The ozone also disinfects the area treated while the “oxidative burst” reaction boosts the immune response by inducing biochemical and physiological reactions to speeds up healing.

Ozone/oxygen dentistry is safe, effective and has no toxic side effects.  It is impossible to be allergic to oxygen/ozone dentistry because ozone is simply an energized form of oxygen.

How is this therapy in dentistry administered?

Oxygen therapy is administered by applying different forms of ozone/oxygen such as ozonated oil or ozonated water directly into the infected gum pockets, root canals and tubules. A proper exposure of ozone therapy helps to eliminate tooth decay or cavities almost immediately.

Biological Dentist in Chula Vista

Dr. Deanna Risos is a top rated Chula Vista biological dentist offering the best quality ozone therapy in dentistry for patients of all ages in Chula Vista.

She is devoted to providing you with a renewed confidence and peace of mind through effective ozone therapy and comprehensive dental care.

Why choose Dr. Deanna Risos for Ozone procedure in dentistry

Dr. Deanna Risos is a top-rated biological dentist in Chula Vista. Dr. Risos:

  • Is compassionate and highly dedicated to her dental practice
  • Is uniquely trained and experienced in ozone/oxygen therapy in dentistry
  • Conducts high-quality ozone therapy in dentistry to patients in Chula Vista and across the globe
  • Her friendly and committed staff will serve you with gentleness and compassion
  • Performs her therapy in a friendly and welcoming environment

Quality Ozone Therapy in Dentistry

We provide the best quality and comprehensive ozone therapy in dentistry in Chula Vista.

Come to our offices for a free consultation with Dr. Deanna Risos or contact us at (619) 482-8880 to learn more about our dental practice.