Oral Cancer Screening Innovative Technology

oral cancer screening

Forward Science, a company that was founded with the vision to create a simpler, efficient, and more affordable oral cancer screening device that can save more lives. They manufactured OralID™ and that what Dr. Risos is using for oral cancer screening.

Oral cancer is one of the most common cancers ranking in as the sixth-leading cause of cancer.

Currently, most of the Dentists rely on observation and biopsy to confirm an oral cancer diagnosis. This traditional process often requires at least a couple weeks of time just to confirm the diagnosis before any treatment may begin.

The Oral Cancer Screening Process at Dr.Risos

At Dr. Risos, however, oral cancer screening doesn’t involve biopsy or any type of invasive surgical procedures. In fact, many people have their oral cancer screening performed at the same time as their routine general dentistry checkup.

We perform all oral cancer screenings in Chula Vista using OralID™ technology for a painless experience. It’s a very easy & quick way to gain peace of mind from a growing phenomenon.

To add, biopsy or removal of a small piece of tissue will no longer be required, allowing the diagnosing process to be as minimally invasive as possible which is an aspect comforting to many patients. This also removes a third part from the situation, reducing costs.

It’s portability will also aid in bringing costs down as one machine will able to be moved from room to room.

Have You Been Screened for Oral Cancer?

At Dr. Risos Dental Office, we provide oral cancer screenings during our thorough dental cleanings & exams. Oral cancer screening is highly recommended at any age being one of the top cancers worldwide, while also being one of the most curable with early detection.

Schedule your Oral Cancer Screening now!