Choose Sedation Dentistry in Chula Vista

Sedation Dentistry in Chula VistaMost people get somewhat nervous about going to the dentist. This is normal, especially if folks have had a bad experience during a dental procedure in the past. Some people even tense up at the thought of having their teeth cleaned.

In response to these fears, sedation dentistry has been created to help people relax and get through their dental appointment. Sedation dentistry can be used for everything from serious procedures to a cleaning.

There are different types of sedation dentistry:

  1. Inhaled sedation is when you breathe nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) combined with oxygen through a mask.
  2. Oral sedation is when you take a pill to relax. Usually, the dentist will give you a pill called “Halcion” an hour before your procedure.
  3. IV sedation is when you get the sedation through an IV, which goes into your arm.
  4. With deep sedation, also known as general anesthesia, you will be given medications that will make you almost unconscious or totally unconscious during the procedure.

If you have any fears and anxiety about going to the dentist, then sedation dentistry may be a great option for you. Visit our page to learn more about Sedation Dentistry in Chula Vista or call 619.482.8880 to make an appointment.